
This disclaimer removes liability from the Vixen Coach LLC, if you choose to practice any of the content provided on the Site. This disclaimer forms part of our Terms of Service, which are available here. Prior to making a purchase or accessing our site, please read this disclaimer carefully.

Katherine is a NASM certified personal trainer and NASM women’s fitness specialist. Katherine is also a Precision Nutrition Level 1 (PN1) coach. Katherine is not a physician or registered dietitian. The contents of this site should not be taken as medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health issues. Always consult your physician or a qualified healthcare professional, prior to engaging in physical activity. By participating in any of the programs, you agree to accept full responsibility for any risks or injuries. Katherine will not assume any liability for any losses or damages that may result. These losses and damages include, but are not limited to, financial loss, injury, illness, or death. All documents are the property of The Vixen Coach LLC. and are not to be copied, sold, or redistributed without the written consent of Katherine of The Vixen Coach LLC.

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