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Hey, Vixen! I'm Katherine aka The Vixen Coach

I created this company to provide fitness and nutrition tools that help women get their sh!t together. Our custom plans and detailed guides will help you build a body you love and develop nutrition habits you can sustain.

As a NASM certified personal trainer, NASM women’s fitness specialist, and Precision Nutrition Level 1 Nutrition Coach, I know exactly what it takes. These are the exact tools I wish I had on day one!

My belief is life is too short not to be the baddest version of yourself—a vixen. And a coach can be the difference between getting results or having to start all over again.

Let’s work together so that this time is the last time. Check out our nutrition guides or get started with our custom virtual personal training and one-on-one nutrition coaching.

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Strength is Sexy

My training style is based in strength and resistance training. Barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells and bands are all tools you’ll learn to use to build your body, while working with me.

Many women fear this style of training—largely because of the myth women will look “manly,” if they lift weights. The truth is this style of training will help you build confidence, build and maintain muscle, create a toned look, improve bone density, and make you feel untouchable.

It’s empowering on every level.

On a Personal Note...

Unlike most trainers, I have no athletic background. I never played sports. Girl, I couldn’t even run a mile, until I was 28! My passion for fitness developed seriously only four years ago. When I was at my lowest, I used fitness to redirect my energy.

Whether I was hurting from being fresh out of an abusive relationship or feeling lost about the direction of my life—if I was feeling low, fitness was there. It taught me to show up for myself and as my highest self. My hope as The Vixen Coach is to use this platform to encourage other women to also show up as their highest selves.

When I’m not in the gym, I’m usually in nature, scrolling Twitter, reading, working on my business, and minding my business.


Left-to-Right: 2015 (190lbs); 2022 (160lbs); 2018 (140lbs)

Ready to Become a Vixen? Apply Today!

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Every Monday, you can expect a new post. From fitness, to nutrition, to mindset coaching—I got you covered!