3 Easy Ways To Lose Weight & Eat Better

When it comes to dieting and eating well, it seems like the more extreme the better:

Stop eating by 6pm.

Cut out the carbs.

Do a 10-Day cleanse!

Listen, if you really enjoy that kind of stuff, you’re able to sustain it, and you like how it makes you feel, then go for it! But most people don’t. Luckily, for most people, it doesn’t need to be that complicated. It can be simple. The general rule of weight loss is to consume less calories than you burn. This creates what is known as a calorie deficit and being consistently in a calorie deficit is what makes us lose weight.

You can create a calorie deficit a lot of different ways, but I believe in keeping things simple (especially if you’re a beginner), and getting more complicated only, if needed.

So before you start doing the most, try one or all of these tips to lose weight and just plain eat better!

Broccoli and chicken meal prep with baby blue square saying "3 Easy Ways to Lose Weight & Eat Better"
1. Eat slower and more mindfully

Remove distractions such as TV, laptop, cellphone, work assignments. Focus on slowing your pace and bites. Eating slower and more mindfully helps you pay attention to your hunger cues and builds appetite awareness. Since it takes your brain about 20 minutes to realize you’re full, you’ll be able to give your body a chance to feel satisfied, while eating less. Over time and with practice, this add ups and can help you drop a few pounds.

2. Approach food on a continuum

Your diet doesn’t have to come down to all-or-nothing. You don’t have to choose between going to Taco Tuesday and staying at home eating meal prep. Approaching food on a continuum helps you stay on track and feel less deprived. Simply swap ingredients, items, and portions to create slightly more nutritious—though not perfect—meals. Next Taco Tuesday, skip the beef tacos with heavy sour cream, and choose shrimp tacos with pico de gallo!

3. Practice addition

Most people start their diet with cutting certain foods out: no carbs, no soda, no fast food, no sweets. Elimination does work, but for many it’s too much. It feels depriving and restrictive, which causes a lot of people to quit eating better. A solution for that is to practice addition—focus your energy and goals towards adding more nutritious food into your diet. This trick will help you naturally progress towards elimination. For more details about using addition, check out THIS blog post.


Are You Tired of Struggling to Lose Weight?

If you need a little more help, I got you! This guide has the nutrition info you need to lose weight healthily, keep your results, and improve your understanding of nutrition. Check it out!