3 Common Booty Building Mistakes You're Making

Infographic showing my booty growth transformation and listing three common booty building mistakes: training them infrequently, not eating enough, and not including strategic variety

Let’s be honest: we all want a nice ass. That’s why you’re reading this, right? There’s no body part women obsess over quite like their glutes (i.e. butt). Unfortunately, it’s also a body part that most women struggle to develop. With so much information out there, it’s easy to get confused and overwhelmed.

Whether you’re an absolute beginner or a dedicated athlete, booty building can be tough. Thankfully, I’m here with some advice. Here’s 3 common booty building mistakes you’re likely making and how to fix them!

3 Common Booty Building Mistakes You’re Making (and How to Fix Them):

1. Training Infrequently

Unless you’re genetically blessed, training one time a week is not enough. Your glutes are one of the hardest muscles to develop and one of the hardest to maintain. Aim to train them at least two times per week, and if possible, consider three times per week. There is no one-size-fits-all frequency recommendation so experiment to find the right frequency for you.

2. Not Eating Enough

If you’re a beginner and you’re losing weight, you’re in luck! You’ll likely maintain your glutes—at least initially. But after some time, it’ll become difficult to maintain your booty. If you notice that your butt isn’t growing or it’s shrinking, then consider eating more and make sure you’re eating adequate protein. If you’re concerned that eating more will ruin your weight loss, then try body recomposition. This is when you lose fat and gain muscle. To recomp, train hard through resistance training and eat at your maintenance calorie level. If you need a little more help, I got you, love!

3. Using Only a Few Excercises

You’re probably familiar with the “Big 3”: squats, deadlifts, and hip thrusts. But relying on only two or three exercises limits your glute building results. If you’re serious about building a better butt, you need to perform a variety of exercises and use a variety of reps and sets. Every workout doesn’t need to be different, but you should include strategic and planned variety. This will help to ensure that you hit all the different regions of your glutes.

Did this help? Let me know in the comments, and be sure to drop any of your questions.

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The Ultimate Booty Building Mini eBook

If you liked this blog, you’ll love my mini eBook. In 18 pages, it covers how to train, eat, and rest to achieve your booty goals. And the best part? It’s free—literally FREE!