We Are Live!

Laptop computer mockup The Vixen Coach website

It’s launch day! From idea to execution, it’s been a crazy 3 years.

I know what you’re thinking: “Girl, what took you so long?!”

Let me be honest: somewhere in between learning more, getting better, and creating guides and content that I believe in, self-doubt crept in. Then, 2020 happened. Next thing I knew, self-doubt was living within me RENT FREE! I was straight-up paralyzed by fear and uncertainty.

One month of solid work was followed by two months of second-guessing and overthinking. Moments of (emotional) stability were followed by weeks of family issues and depression. Rinse and repeat. The truth is life goes on—with or without you. And it went on without me!

I felt like a fraud. Here I am: “The Vixen Coach.” I’m supposed to be capable of coaching women on how to live to their potential, but I wasn’t living anywhere close to mine. I had to pause, regroup, and get my sh*t together. I needed to relearn myself as a woman, a human, and a coach. I needed to remember who I am deep in my core.

Yes, it took 3 years—far longer than what I planned, but I’m not ashamed of that. We’re all trying to become who we were always meant to be, and there’s no time limit on that journey.

Today is launch day—the first day in 3 years that I felt capable of presenting this idea to the world. This journey of walking in the steps of “The Vixen Coach” will require me to show up for myself and others in ways that I never could imagine.

I can’t wait to share aspects of my life and my professional opinion with y’all! I hope that each of you reading this will find meaning and a connection to myself and my content.

Please be nosy! Take a look around! And invite your girls too! I will continue to show up for us…this is only the beginning.